Registration of partnerships with HMRC

A Partnership is a relatively simple way for two or more persons (or legal entities) to set up and run a business together with a view to profit. Partnerships can take many forms. Legal persons other than individuals can also be partners in a

Filing deadlines for company confirmation statement

As well as filing accounts with Companies House, there is an important requirement to check that the information Companies House has about your company is correct. This is facilitated by the filing of an annual company confirmation statement. The

Less than 100 days to file your tax return

HMRC has published a news release to remind taxpayers that there is now less than 100 days to file their 2019-20, Self-Assessment tax return. Last year over 11 million taxpayers were required to complete a tax return, but over 958,000 taxpayers

Taxable business gains

If you are in business as a self-employed sole trader or as part of a partnership, there may be occasions when you are required to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT). CGT is normally charged at a flat rate of 20% on the amount of ‘profit’ or ‘gain’.


Responding to a court judgement

In today’s precarious business environment many companies are unable to pay their debts. If this happens, your creditors can ultimately apply to the court to get their debts paid. This can be done either by getting a court judgement or making an

Tax-free perk for Christmas

If you are an employer and looking to give a small Christmas bonus to your employees, then your best option is probably to give them a gift. In order to ensure that this is not a taxable gift, it is important to ensure that the trivial benefits in

Contributions towards capital expenditure

A wide variety of grants or subsidies are available to businesses and can be received in addition to their ordinary business income. It is important to identify these contributions and to establish whether they are capital or revenue in

Sale of income in exchange for capital amount

A capital sum received by an individual in respect of the sale or relinquishment of income derived from their personal activities can sometimes be treated as earned income and chargeable to Income Tax. If this is the case, the amount charged to

Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme guidance updated

HMRC has updated its Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme guidance to clarify the evidence that employers can require from their employees to establish the employer’s eligibility to claim under the scheme.

Eligible employers can use the

New national lockdown and changes to business support measures

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson speaking at a press conference on Saturday night, 31 October 2020, confirmed widespread expectations of a second national lockdown in England to help stem the growing resurgence of the coronavirus. The Government was

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