The don’ts of the new 3-tier system

The new 3-tier system for classifying local COVID alert status sets out what you should not do depending on the classification of your local area. At present they only apply to England. In summary they are:

Local COVID Alert Level – Very High


Job Support Scheme Expansion

On Friday 9 October, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak announced an extension to the Job Support Scheme (JSS). The expanded scheme will include additional support for employees of businesses that are forced to close because of local or national lockdown

Kickstart scheme who can apply

The new £2 billion Kickstart scheme will enable employers to offer young people on Universal Credit – and at risk of long-term unemployment – state-subsidised work placements for six months. The Kickstart scheme is available to qualifying 16 – 24

SEISS – claims deadline 19 October 2020

The deadline for making a claim under the second round of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) is 19 October 2020. The second grant covers the quarter to 31 August 2020. This grant will provide up to £6,570 for the quarter (£2,190 per

New Patent Box statistics published

HMRC has published official statistics on the number of companies claiming tax relief under the UK Patent Box. The Patent Box allows qualifying companies to apply a lower 10% Corporation Tax rate on profits arising from patent exploitation. The

31 October paper Self-Assessment filing deadline

The 2019-20 tax return deadline for submitting your paper Self-Assessment returns is 31 October 2020. Due to the impact of coronavirus, taxpayers were able to delay making their second payment on account for the 2019-20 tax year (due on 31 July 2020)

Grants overclaimed?

Any business that has overclaimed a Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) grant must pay back the overpayment to HMRC. The rules outlined below for paying HMRC back an overclaim also apply to businesses that would like to make a voluntary repayment

COVID related benefits for employees

The Income Tax treatment of coronavirus tests and the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to employees during the coronavirus pandemic is covered under specific HMRC guidance.

The guidance explains how employers should proceed where

Paying or refunding transport costs

To ease the financial burden on their employees, some employers may look at paying or refunding transport costs for their employees when they return to work. There are tax implications that should be examined. As a general rule, where an employer

Claiming the Job Retention Bonus

New guidance has been published on claiming the Job Retention Bonus. The Job Retention Bonus provides for a £1,000 bonus payment to employers that bring back an employee that was furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, and continuously

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