Corporation Tax loss buying

Under qualifying circumstances, Corporation Tax (CT) relief is available where a company makes a trading loss. The trading loss can be used to claim CT relief by offsetting the loss against other gains or profits of a business in the same or previous

Rental business – post cessation transactions

There are special rules for the taxation of post-cessation transactions after a trade has ceased. The legislation clearly states that the person who receives or is entitled to the post-cessation receipt is the person who is subject to Income Tax or

The Help to Grow Management scheme

The Help to Grow: Management course is a government backed programme to help business leaders develop their strategic skills, create jobs and boost their business performance.

The 12-week programme is delivered by over 40 leading business schools

Bona Vacantia – dissolved companies

The final step in bringing a company to a legal end is when the company is dissolved. However, one of the important points to be aware of when doing so is that the dissolved company can no longer do or receive anything including receive a tax refund.

Post cessation receipts and payments

There are special rules for the taxation of post-cessation receipts and expenses after a trade has ceased. These provisions also apply to professions and vocations as they apply to trades.

Tax relief may be available for post-cessation expenses of a

Construction services and reverse charge

New VAT rules for building contractors and sub-contractors came into effect on 1 March 2021. The new rules make the supply of most construction services between construction or building businesses subject to the domestic reverse charge. The reverse

1.8m couples benefit from extra tax relief

HMRC has confirmed that almost 1.8m couples across the UK have benefitted from the marriage allowance and are saving up to £252 a year. The marriage allowance is available to qualifying married couples and those in a civil partnership where a spouse

Postmasters’ bankruptcies reviewed

The recent Court of Appeal and Crown Court decisions to quash the convictions of many former postmasters was widely welcomed. The Courts found that the original convictions were based on evidence from the Post Office’s Horizon IT system which has now

Getting ready for Customs Declaration Service

The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) has been designed to modernise the process for completing customs declarations for businesses that import or export goods from the UK. A phased launch of the service started in August 2018 and more than one

130% tax relief for companies

Are you thinking of investing in new plant or other equipment? Remember that the super-deduction offering 130% first-year tax relief is available to companies until March 2023.

The super-deduction tax break was introduced on 1 April 2021 and allows

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